- Up to 1 hour: € 1.00
- Up to 2 hours: € 2.00
- Up to 3 hours: € 3.00
- Up to 4 hours: € 4.00
- All-day rate (5 hours or more): € 5.00
- Multi-day ticket: € 5.00 per day (available for up to 7 days)
Night parking:
Night parking is not permitted from 22:00 to 6:00. There is an exception for people staying overnight in one of the mountain huts in the Hochoetz alpine pasture area. The daily rate amounts to € 5.00.
Via Parkster app or with debit/credit card/in cash at the parking machine on site.
- For parking periods of 2 hours or more, guests of the Oetz outdoor swimming pool receive a cash refund of 50% of the parking fee upon presentation of the ticket or the Parkster app when leaving the pool.
- Upon presentation of “Klimaticket Tirol” or “Klimaticket Österreich”, guests receive a 10% discount.