Along the well-maintained loop walking route towards "Rotes Wandl" rock wall - also suitable for baby prams - 10 local wild animals have found their hiding place. Simply walk through the forest with your eyes open, watch out especially for tree trunks or rocks. For each single animal an information board reveals many interesting things about the forest and its wildlife habitat. What qualities they have, what they like to eat, who belongs to their family and how they can survive such a long and cold winter - all these interesting facts are not hard to remember thanks to easily understandable texts. In between there are cozy rest stop areas where you discuss newly acquired knowledge about owls, badgers and many more Alpine animals. And with a bit of luck you can also marvel at real marmots, chamois and capercaillie during your hiking tours in Hochoetz!
The perfect companion for this journey of discovery into the world of local wild animals can be downloaded here. Have fun and enjoy!
Download - On the tracks of wild animals Map (PDF)